Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
A Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (Dependent Care FSA) allows you to use tax-free dollars to pay for qualified child daycare or adult daycare expenses.
How It Works
The funds in a Dependent Care FSA are for out-of-pocket expenses, like nursery school, child daycare, before/after school care, and even care for adult dependents. You cannot use the funds in a Dependent Care FSA for any medical purchases or services for your family. For that, you will need to make a separate election for a Health Care FSA.
A Dependent Care FSA is a financial tool used to reduce the cost of child and adult dependent care. It sets aside tax-free money from your paycheck to put toward services you are already paying for. Ultimately, a Dependent Care FSA is just one more savings tool. Whichever medical plan you choose, you also have access to a dependent care FSA, which helps cover the cost of childcare expenses for your dependent children up to age 13, as well as the care for an incapacitated spouse. You can elect to set aside up to $5,000 on a pre-tax basis for 2025.
If you are enrolled in a Health Care FSA or a Dependent Care FSA, you can access your account by visiting Pre-Tax Benefit Accounts and Commuter Benefit Plans | Benefit Resource (BRI).
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